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UPVC Awning Windows and Doors

Light Weight,Flexible operation of doors and windows, durable, comfortable,Stylish, secure and sustainable

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UPVC windows offer clear-cut cost advantages, both inprocurement and throughout the entire life cycle.  Based  on the high energy-saving potential and minimal  maintenance throughout the entire service life of more than 50 years, costs are also saved in the long-term.

Improve your standard of living.

Ease of use

Thanks to their enhanced stability, windows can be opened and closed without a great deal of effort. Even after many years of use.


Effective burglary protection starts and ends with your windows! Protect you and your loved ones with windows.

Heat insulation

Save energy and protect the environment at the same time with perfectly insulated windows.

Comfortable living

Bright rooms flooded with light help to improve your well-being.

Design elements

As unique as you are: your home. Design your windows just the way you want them.

Glass Type: tempered clear glass, tempered tinted glass, tempered reflective glass and LOW E glass.

Glass Thickness: Single glass, 5mm, 6mm.

Double glass, 5+6A+5mm, 6+9A+6mm, 6+12A+6mm

Triple glass (bullet-proof glass): 8+1.14pvb+8+1.14pvb+8mm

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